
Affordable Housing and Tax Credit Developments in DelawareMax’s E-mail to the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA): Questions About LIHTC Rankings Recall

July 26, 2010by George Danneman

“Dear Ms. Deakyne,

My name is Max Timmons and I am a student at the University of Delaware interning for George Danneman at the Danneman Firm. I research different local and national affordable housing topics to provide information for Delaware’s Affordable Housing blog. After the Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA) recalled the Low Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) rankings, many organizations contacted us with different questions regarding the recall. In order for me to better understand the need for a recall I have assembled a list of questions that will help me understand it better when helping with Delaware’s Affordable Housing Blog. I know you are very busy.  Any time you can spare to answer my questions would be very much appreciated.
1)      What are the benefits of recalling the Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) applications?

2)      Have you ever recalled the Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC) rankings in the past?

3)      What process do you use to determine if a recall is necessary instead of only a re-ranking?

4)      What prompted you to submit a recall?

5)      How are the applicants responding to the news of this recall?

6)      Could this news have a negative impact on organizations that are dependent on other sources of financing for their application?

7)      Do you anticipate organizations losing their spot in the rankings and how will that effect them if that does occur?

Thank you for your time responding to my questions,

Max Timmons”

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